Specialized Application Software

Audio Editing Software

It lets you record and edit music, voice and other audio recordings. It is a software that helps editing audio files you can cut, copy and paste parts of recordings then add effects like echo, amplification and noise reduction.

Bitmap Image

A bitmap is a type of graphic composed of pixels (picture element) in a grid. Each pixel or "bit" contains color information for the image. Bitmap graphics formats have a fixed resolution which means that resizing a bitmap graphic can result in distortion and jagged edges. bitmap formats are GIF, JPG or JPEG, TIFF, PNG, PICT, PCX, and BMP.

Desktop Publishing Program

It is a process of editing and layout of printed material intended for publication. There are several desktop programs such as QuarkXPress or Adobe InDesign. used to aggregate content created in these programs: text, raster graphics (such as images edited with Adobe Photoshop) and vector graphics (such as drawings/illustrations made with Adobe Illustrator).

HTML editor

Also called an authoring tool, an HTML editor is a software program that inserts HTML code as you create a HTML file. Some editors will provide a word processing GUI enabling users to create HTML documents without knowing any HTML code.

Image editor

Image editor is a software to enable image editing and formatting are converted into different graphics. Image editors typically deal with only bitmapped images such as GIFs, JPEGs and BMPs; however, some editors support both bitmaps and illustrations. Common functions are manually cropping and resizing the image and using "filters" to adjust brightness, contrast and colors.


As the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media. It includes text, graphics, audio, video, etc into an integrated package.

Vector image

The vector image are images which are created using mathematical statements that define geometric shapes. You can move, resize, and change the color of vector graphics without losing any quality. This is the kind of image produced in 'draw' and 'illustration' programs like Adobe Illustrator and Corel Draw.

Basic Application Software

Graphical User Interface (GUI)

Graphical user interface is a human-computer interface that uses windows, icons, menus, and pointer. It also refers to the graphical interface of a computer that allows users to click and drag objects with a mouse instead of entering text at a command line. There are two of the most popular operating systems, Windows and the Mac OS, which are GUI-based.

Word Processor

A word processor processes words. And it also processes paragraphs, pages, entire paper. Some examples of word proceesor programs are Microsoft Word, WordPerfect (Windows only), AppleWorks (Mac only), and OpenOffice.org.


Spreadsheet is a table of values arranged in rows and columns. Spreadsheets application also known as spreadsheets are computer programs that let you create and manipulate spreadsheets electronically. In a spreadsheet application, each value sits in a cell. The relationships between cells are called formulas, and the names of the cells are called labels.

Database Management System (DBMS)

The database management system sometimes called as database manager is a program that let one or more computer users create and access data in a database. It is a collection of programs that allows you to store, modify and extract information from a database. The information from a database can be presented in a variety of formats. Most DBMSs include a report writer program that enables you to output data in the form of a report.

Utility Suites

A utility suites is a collection of different tools all packaged into one easy to use tool that optimize you computer.These tools usually include items such as History cleaner; Temp file cleaner; Registry cleaner; Internet usage tracks cleaner;Disk defragment; Optimizer tools; System diagnostics; File undelete; Process Explorer; Uninstall tool; File duplication detector; Anti-Virus/Firewall and full system check/repair.

The Internet, The Web, and Electronic Commerce


It is a computer programming language for use in HTML pages. Besides that, javascript is a scripting language or also known as interpreted language, which is not as fast as compiled languages (such as Java or C++) but it is easier to learn and use. It is widely supported in Web browsers and other Web tools too because it adds interactive functions to HTML pages.


Applet is a program designed to be executed from within another application and it can't be executed directly from the operating sysytem. Applets are small in file size and highly secure so it can't be used to access users hard drives. They are ideal for small Internet applications accessible from a browser.


A filters is a program or section of code that is designed to examine each input or output request for certain qualifying criteria and then process or forward it accordingly. Filters are sometimes used to remove or insert headers or control characters in data.


A hardware or software module that adds a specific feature or service to a larger system. For example, plug-ins are widely used in image editing programs such as Photoshop to add some special effect. It is also to support different types of content such as videos, audio and etc.

Internet Security Suite

It is a security software that covers a wide variety of potential risks, hacker intrusions, destruction of data, harmful viruses, Trojan horses and etc. by having this software, it could helps us to avoid viruses and hackers who would send viruses to our computer. 

FTP (File Trasnfer Protocol)

It is for exchanging files over the internet. FTP uses the Internet's TCP/IP protocols to enable data transfer. It is also most commonly used in transfering files or uploading files into a web. 


Wiki is a web site that allows users to add and update content on the site using their own web browser. A great example of a large wiki is the Wikipedia, it is a free encyclopedia in many languages that anyone can edit. The term "wiki" comes from the Hawaiian phrase "wiki wiki," which means "super fast."


URL is also known as Uniform Resource Locator. It is a address for a file that is accessible on the Internet and it is a way to get into a website just by typing the URL. The URL contains the name of the protocol to be used to access the file resource, a domain name that identifies a specific computer on the Internet. There is an example of URL such as http://www.hotmail.com/.  

Careers in IT

The careers in IT consist of Webmaster, Computer Support Specialist, Technical Writer, Software Engineer, Network Adminstrator, System Analyst, and Programmer.

Firstly, the webmaster work as a database administrator and manage any database for a certain company and also to check that the website for the company has no bugs. The webmaster also controls the security of the website, so that hackers cannot access confidential data. 

Secondly, the computer support specialist help people with computer problems who are having difficulty with a particular piece of computer hardware or software. They are also known as technical support professionals.   

Thirdly, a technical writer explain in simple language scientific and technical ideas that are difficult for the average reader to understand. Technical writer writes for book, magazines, or newspaper publishers.

Next, a software engineer is a skilled professional focused on the design and creation of software. They will often have to explain business functions to programmers and technology restraints to non-technical business managers.

The Network Administrator oversees computer networks to ensure that they function smoothly and it consist of a grouping of computers that communicate with each other or a central computer known as a server, on which computer files, programs, and other information are stored.

A System Analyst designs solutions for the betterment of productivity and efficiency of the business. They also research on any reported problem, plans and proposes a solutions, advocates software and systems. They are also quite familiar with a host of computer programming languages, operating systems, and computer hardware platforms.

Lastly, the programmer is responsible for translating the mathematical algorithms produced by software engineers and systems analysts into a finished program that a computer can run. A programmer uses a computing language, such as Java or C++, to make a file that will serve as instructions that a computer can follow, called a program. Most programmers know a number of computing languages and select which language to use based on the function of the program they are creating.