Careers in IT

The careers in IT consist of Webmaster, Computer Support Specialist, Technical Writer, Software Engineer, Network Adminstrator, System Analyst, and Programmer.

Firstly, the webmaster work as a database administrator and manage any database for a certain company and also to check that the website for the company has no bugs. The webmaster also controls the security of the website, so that hackers cannot access confidential data. 

Secondly, the computer support specialist help people with computer problems who are having difficulty with a particular piece of computer hardware or software. They are also known as technical support professionals.   

Thirdly, a technical writer explain in simple language scientific and technical ideas that are difficult for the average reader to understand. Technical writer writes for book, magazines, or newspaper publishers.

Next, a software engineer is a skilled professional focused on the design and creation of software. They will often have to explain business functions to programmers and technology restraints to non-technical business managers.

The Network Administrator oversees computer networks to ensure that they function smoothly and it consist of a grouping of computers that communicate with each other or a central computer known as a server, on which computer files, programs, and other information are stored.

A System Analyst designs solutions for the betterment of productivity and efficiency of the business. They also research on any reported problem, plans and proposes a solutions, advocates software and systems. They are also quite familiar with a host of computer programming languages, operating systems, and computer hardware platforms.

Lastly, the programmer is responsible for translating the mathematical algorithms produced by software engineers and systems analysts into a finished program that a computer can run. A programmer uses a computing language, such as Java or C++, to make a file that will serve as instructions that a computer can follow, called a program. Most programmers know a number of computing languages and select which language to use based on the function of the program they are creating.


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